Angel Card Reading for Week of 12/02/12 • Unity


This week’s card for the week is Unity from the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Archangel Sandalphon is in a very special place, surrounded by globes representing various spiritual and philosophical beliefs. All is one, explore the common denominators.  It does not matter what language – they are all coming from one Truth. You are Spirit, bits of light that are all part of the One. As a group, the light within each of you has been hidden – for you to discover and bring into the open. This card also speaks of alchemy – a burning away, letting go of that which no longer serves you. Each of the globes in the picture is moving and dancing around but from the one source at the top of Sandalphon’s staff. One light, one source, one energy made up of many – each of them different. Yet they do not appear to be fighting, battling, judging, challenging each other for power and recognition.

This week is one that calls to go inside and get in touch with your deepest beliefs, evaluate and consider – give yourself the honor of truly and honestly acknowledging that which resonates in your heart and soul. At the same time, consider beliefs which do not resonate and allow them to float away, burn away. Many self judgments, labels and walls between humans and the each other and all of creation are born of beliefs that perhaps no longer serve. Realize that you are not broken, you do not need to be fixed. Look inside and find your own Divine light, your own Truth.

The colors in the graphic are intense. Even Sandalphon’s clothes represent the full brilliant rainbow. Balance, intensity, a place of meditation, the deep woods, safety, connection, yet movement and flow. Burning away the harsh judgments and barriers that keep the light within from shining without. Discover you Inner Voice and let your actions, your outer presence reflect your Divine Essence.

The Hebrew letter associated with this card is vav, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the form of a hook – that which joins together, links the parts. Vav is the equivalent of “and” in the English language. It is symbolic of physical completion and transformation.



Certified Angel Card Reader ™



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