Angel Card Reading for Week of 12/16/12 • Four of Water

This week’s card for the week is the Four of Water from the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

This is a time of great opportunity. The energies of the Universe, high high vibrations are flowing in so strongly and will reach a peak later in the week. Look up – look around and receive that which is available to you! This is a WAKE UP call. Do not miss out on this opportunity. See beyond the physical limitations that you perceive. Realize that the walls that you see as holding you in are paper thin. You can split them  easily and emerge. The Universe, angels and spirit guides are there to help you. Breath deeply, expand your energy. One push, just as the butterfly makes one final push to break open the chrysalis that has been the womb of its creation. Spread your wings and see the glorious new opportunities that are available to you.

All it takes is one effort, one sincere heartfelt intention to push through and open to the Divinity that is within and around you. The spark, the light, is there, waiting to be discovered, acknowledged and allowed to grow. Let your light merge with the light of others, the Divine light of the Universe. So look up, breach the surface. Open to receive!

You are not broken and you do not need to be fixed! The suit of water is about emotions and the subconscious. Shed those chains of judgment, self recrimination and disappointments that are keeping you down. You do not have to be anyone other than who you are. You cannot be anyone other than who you are. Trying to be what another wants you to be is an anchor that keeps you small, limited and unfulfilled. Do not measure yourself by what others say or expect of you. Take back your own power. The number four is connected to limitations, doubts, holding back. Let go of those doubts, the perception of limitations. Stop holding back and denying your beauty, perfection and abilities to the world.

Look at this card and see the “hidden” movement. Visualize the mermaid slowly and intentionally raising her arms and head, opening fully, breathing deeply. As her arms and head move up, her hands and heart open to receive comfort, support and strength. See her expand her energy and break free of the invisible chains holding her down. See her joyfully floating to the surface which is just above, her light ever expanding as she moves, realizing and recognizing her authentic self, her own perfection, beautiful Divinity and the opportunities that are available to her.

Close your eyes, open your palms, breath slowly, intentionally and deeply as you embrace this visualization. Feel the strength, the expansion, the freeing as the density inside washes away as you expand and float to the surface. In its place is light emanating from your heartspace and merging with the high vibrations of the Universal Divine energies flowing in. Continue to do this throughout the week, a few short minutes throughout your days, each time seeing, feeling that which is holding you back dissolve and float away as you let it go.

You are the butterfly breaking away, emerging from the chrysalis and opening up to an entirely new reality! The time is now.



Certified Angel Card Reader ™

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